Three Lessons From “The Amazing Spider-Man”

No Spider-Pig in this film

Camera + and me

I enjoy the lessons which are found in movies. Often they are intentional, but sometimes it just has to do with our mindset.  Three lessons I learned from The Amazing Spider-Man are:

  • He heard/felt a calling

                While standing on a roof top he is called to go one way and also hears sirens going        off in the distance and feels that he must use his spider abilities to assist.  He felt an inward calling to use what he has to help others.

  • Not all walls are structural

                In a fight seen in a high school people are getting thrown around and someone goes through a trophy case and through the wall it is front off.  Behind those trophies was a wall which had not structural support to the building.  Many of the walls built in life (by us or others) can be broken down with only a little repair needed. Let us freely break down some walls in our life.

  • Go out to help others

                Spider-Man helps someone and later is helped by a family member of that person, when the web slinger is hurt.  Spider-Man has been declared as a bad guy by the city officials, but this family member saw that this man was out to good.  He saw his conduct and helped him when he needed it.  There will be times when we need someone else to help us.  Let us go out of our way to help others.  Let us follow the golden rule. (The Master Key Is Golden)

K, bye

What is a lesson that you learned from this movie?

A good book which incorporates lessons from movies is John Eldredge’s “Wild at Heart.”